Our Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is a vital part of Cambridge Gardens Public School.
It exists to support our school to enable our students to reach their full potential. This is done by:
- Fundraising and allocating funds raised
- Organising activities and events to promote a sense of school community
- Providing input from a parents' perspective on school policies and other issues that arise.
The P&C is a separate body to the school and is governed by a constitution.
Anyone can join the P&C and any level of involvement is welcome. Your involvement can range from being an Executive Member, taking an active role in our fundraising events or even just attending the P&C meetings to see what goes on.
At the start of each year, our principal and the P&C discuss the school's funding requests and considers suggestions from P&C members and the wider parent community. Projects and activities are prioritised and funds allocated.
In recent years funds were allocated to a wide range of items including:
- Ipads
- Playground markings
- Shade shelters
- Reading Eggs learning program
- Jerseys
- Electronic School sign
- Outdoor Seating
- Home readers
In an era of tight government education budgets, the P&C's financial support for the school is more important than ever.
While fundraising is not the main objective of a P&C Association it continues to be an important part of our activities. Cambridge Gardens P&C has a fantastic group of parents dedicated to dreaming up and organising new and exciting fundraising opportunities. All money raised is used to support and assist funding the needs and wants of our school, in its efforts to provide a dynamic and innovative environment. Funds are often raised through activities such as BBQ's , Disco's and other social events throughout the year and these events are greatly enjoyed by both the students and parent volunteers.
The President chairs all meetings and, as the elected head of the P&C, undertakes a number of leadership tasks including acting as the public representative for the P&C and liaising with our School Principal. Our president is Leanne Reed.
Vice President
The principal duty of the Vice President is to chair meetings when the President is absent. The Vice President may also undertake tasks to reduce the workload of the President our Vice presidents are Michelle Pearce and Rebecca Mott.
The Secretary manages incoming and outgoing correspondence for our P&C and takes minutes at the P&C meetings. The Secretary also distributes agendas and minutes for the meetings. Our secretary is Kelly Winters.
The Treasurer is responsible for all monies received and expended on behalf of the P&C. In addition to payment processing and banking, the Treasurer maintains our P&C budget and financial records and produces financial reports for meetings. Our treasurer is Kelly Wilkinson.
Banking Coordinator
The Banking Coordinator coordinates the student banking activities at the school. Our banking coordinators are Mellisa Mackenzie and Nicky Hibbs.